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Don't Give Labor Too Much Power - Vote Liberal Locally

Liberals WA

Don’t Give Labor Too Much Power – Vote Liberal Locally

Together, we’re going through the most unusual times, here and around the world.

I want to thank you. You have kept us safe during COVID-19. You have done the heavy lifting, followed the rules and kept us all safe.

After the year we have been through, No one wants the usual political games that come with elections.

In Western Australia we’re facing the most unusual State Election we have ever faced.

When I’m out in the community people are telling me there is no appetite for a change of Government right now.

But that’s making me fight even harder.

I’m fighting for every single local community across our State.

Because there is just too much at stake.

The Labor Party has made it very clear they want to use the Premier’s popularity take total control of our Parliament, getting rid of all our checks and balances.

It is important for our democracy that there is a strong and effective opposition in our parliament to hold Labor to account and keep them honest.

One party should not have control of both houses of our Parliament.

With too much power, Labor will go too far and make any law they like.

Labor already tried this with a mining tax – twice, but the Liberals stopped them.

Labor also tried to shut schools like Moora College and School of the Air and Perth Modern School, but the Liberals stopped them.

Labor is already talking about what they will do with total control of the Parliament.

Just last week Western Australians got an insight into Labor’s plans for WA when the pandemic is over.

Labor announced they will keep using special COVID powers well beyond the pandemic, to stop and search everyday citizens – people like you and me – when we try to enter our own state.

That is not what a democratic state looks like.

Western Australia needs the Liberals to stop Labor’s plan to extend stop-and-search powers.

Western Australia also needs the Liberals to stop Labor’s plan to shut Fremantle port which will destroy Cockburn Sound with a new automated outer harbour.

Western Australia needs the Liberals to stop Labor from making bad decisions like deleting Roe 8 & 9 forever.

We all remember the last time Labor had too much power.

They went too far and we got WA Inc.

Western Australians suffered higher taxes for decades to pay for Labor’s mistakes and corruption of WA Inc.

We can’t risk Labor going too far again.

Western Australia needs the Liberals to hold Labor to account and stop Labor going too far.

The content above from the originating party/author(s) may be of a point-in-time nature and edited for style and length. The views and opinions expressed are those of the original author(s). View original. Disclaimer

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