Queensland Greens If you live in Brisbane or Ipswich, even if you’ve never door knocked before, we need you for our Housing Weekend of Action! Join Max Chandler-Mather, Federal MP...
Queensland Greens Thank you to everyone who got involved in Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 💚 Huge thank you to Taringa Community Garden for co-ordinating their local clean up,...
Queensland Greens BREAKING: The Greens have secured agreement from the Labor Government that the $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund Bill will not be spent funding coal and gas projects or...
Queensland Greens Massive corporate profits are driving inflation, not everyday people. But guess who's paying for it? From The Shovel The content above from the originating party/author(s) may be of...
Queensland Greens It's International Women's Day #IWD2023 The Greens are working hard to improve the experiences of women everywhere. Here’s a summary of what’s been achieved so far, and what...
Queensland Greens International Women's Day ✊ We keep up the fight to close the gender pay gap, make childcare free & for fair paid parental leave.International Women's Day ✊ We...
Queensland Greens We can think of about 2.7 billion better ways to spend this money, especially when Qlders need investment in hospitals right across our state. We know people power...
Queensland Greens "The Gabba can be revitalised for far less than nearly $3 billion. The state government should spend that money on things ordinary Queenslanders actually need - affordable housing,...
Queensland Greens Do you think billionaires & politicians need a $9000 per year handout? We don't! Scrap the Stage 3 tax cuts.Do you think billionaires & politicians need a $9000...