Queensland Greens The Fixed Charge Rip-OffOur Power for People plan will take on fixed charges – the part of your power bill that always stays the same. Find out more at...
Queensland Greens Power for People: creating 5,500 secure jobsOur electricity system is being privatised behind our backs. We want to stop that by spending $15 billion over 5 years on...
Queensland Greens The big energy companies will hate thisIt's been a big week. The big energy companies will hate this. Here's how the Greens will save you $370/year on your...
Queensland Greens Power for People: a public electricity retailer for all QueenslandersHere it is. Our plan to scrap electricity privatisation in South East Queensland. Stop the rip offs - and...
Queensland Greens You're being ripped off on your power billsWhy is your electricity bill so big? You're being ripped off by private retailers - watch this and find out how...