Victorian Nationals LETTER TO THE EDITOR - WALSHDear Editor, The upcoming State Budget will be riddled with red ink, but targeted investments must still be made in critical areas like...
Victorian Labor 8 HOURS LABOUR, 8 HOURS RECREATION, 8 HOURS REST 167 years ago today, Stonemasons in Melbourne downed tools and walked off the job in protest over their long...
Victorian Greens #BREAKING: The Vic Labor Government is reportedly set to #RaisetheAge of criminal responsibility to 12 only — against the expert evidence from First Nations, medical, legal and human...
Victorian Nationals Concerned about community safety? Have a sayThe Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region is encouraging residents to have their say on community safety in their local area.Ms Bath...
Victorian Greens Labor's housing plan will make the housing crisis worse. Rather than invest directly in housing, Labor will gamble $10 billion on the stock market via the Future Fund,...
Victorian Greens Let's legalise cannabis in Victoria! Shifting to a health-based approach accepts the reality that many people in our community use drugs. It’s the first essential step to reducing...
Victorian Nationals Roads funding must be a driving force in Budget: BroadVital funding for regional roads must be a key focus of next month’s State Budget, Nationals Member for Northern...
Victorian Labor Today we mourn together across Victoria a great friend and human being in Father Bob. An extraordinary life, an extraordinary legacy. View Original | Disclaimer