Australian Greens Vote Climate. Vote Greens.Coal & gas are the leading causes of the climate crisis. But Labor and the Liberals are pouring more fuel on the fire by backing...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown Speaks on NBN FailuresNBN could have been an incredible success story for Australian telecommunications, but a mix of corporatisation and government underfunding, has left so many...
Australian Greens Senator Janet Rice shares the stories of four people living in povertyLast week in parliament, I shared the stories of four people who are struggling to live on...
Australian Greens Senator Janet Rice talks to Labor's Climate Bill 07/09From Senator Rice: 📣 Climate Bill passes the Senate 📣 Labor's Climate Target Bill for a 43% emissions reduction target...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown speaks on the failure of the NBN network in the Ryan electorateElizabeth Watson-Brown, Member for Ryan, speaks on the failure of the NBN network in the...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown speaks about Labor's Stage 3 tax cuts for the mega-richElizabeth Watson-Brown, Greens MP for Ryan, speaks on the Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 2) Bill...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson Brown speaks on the Greens' Climate Trigger amendmentElizabeth Watson Brown, Greens MP for Ryan, speaks on the Climate Trigger amendment moved by the Greens, which will...
Australian Greens Stage 3 Tax Cuts - Senator Larissa WatersWednesday 7 September 2022. The Stage 3 tax cuts will help the rich get richer and make the gender pay gap...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown asks Labor to consider re-nationalising QantasMember for Ryan Elizabeth Watson-Brown asks Labor to consider re-nationalising Qantas, in light of continuing service failures and employee strikes. House...
Australian Greens Climate Bill Speech - Senator Larissa WatersTuesday 6 September 2022 Everyone from Twiggy Forrest to the Pope is saying it. You can’t stop the climate crisis by opening...