UK’s UNHRC 58 Statement: Kids in Conflict Zones
UK Statement at the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Children in Armed Conflict. Delivered at the 58th HRC in Geneva.
Thank you, Mr President.
The UK thanks the Special Representative for the report. We reaffirm our commitment to your mandate and our support for your Prove It Matters campaign.
Grave violations against children in conflict have risen on a shocking scale in recent years. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Somalia, Sudan and Ukraine, children are paying the highest price. Member States must come together to do more to protect children.
Mr President,
Children should have a say in matters that affect them. Last May, we convened a Ministerial-level roundtable with girls from Ukraine, the West Bank, the DRC and South Sudan. They spoke powerfully about the importance of education, mental health and psychosocial support for conflict-affected children. The UK will continue to amplify the needs, rights and voices of children in conflict.
Madame Special Representative,
Zeroing in on one specific context, could you please provide an update on the situation of children in the conflict in the DRC?