Working together to build 4,000 new homes
The Albanese Government’s Social Housing Accelerator will build around 4,000 homes for Australians who need them.
The Government is today releasing final implementation plans for the $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator that shows how many homes each state and territory government will deliver with funding from the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth funding for these homes must be committed in full by state and territory governments by 30 June 2025.
This is another example of the Albanese Government working with states and territories to build more homes.
The $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator is in addition to our new $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund.
Today’s announcement builds on the agreement by National Cabinet to deliver the most significant housing reforms in a generation.
This agreement includes a new national target to build 1.2 million new well‑located homes, the National Planning Reform Blueprint, and A Better Deal for Renters.
At National Cabinet, the Albanese Government also committed a further $3 billion to the New Homes Bonus to incentivise states and territories to undertake the reforms necessary to reach the 1.2 million well‑located homes target.
A new Housing Support Program will provide another $500 million to help local and state and territory governments deliver new housing supply in well‑located areas.
Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:
“Australians in every part of the country deserve the security of a roof over their head.
“Working with every state and territory government, our $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator will make a huge difference for thousands of Australian families.
“My Government has an ambitious housing agenda, including the delivery of 30,000 affordable and social homes through our $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund.”
Quotes attributable to Minister Julie Collins:
“We recognise Australia is facing housing challenges, which is why we’re taking immediate action with our $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator.
“This new funding, and the homes we are announcing today, will mean more Australians will have a safe and affordable place to call home.
“The Social Housing Accelerator is just one part of our ambitious housing reform agenda, which is already making a real difference right across the country.”